Monday, March 15, 2010

top ten?

well I've done A LOT of blogging tonight and I'm still a week behind... so this is going to be the "top ten" things I've done in the last week...hopefully I'll find ten things to tell you about :)

10.) I went to another football game! QPR was not as good as Fulham, but still a fun experience all around.

9.) Weather. It hit 55 degrees today. It was lovely. I cannot wait for the 60's and strolling around London without so many layers on!

8.) Flowers. The flowers are starting to bloom in Kensington Gardens and Hyde park. I love running outside now because the colors are just popping up; I can't imagine how happy I'll be with ALL the flowers in full bloom!

7.) Stonehenge. Something I needed to check off my list of things to do in my lifetime, and it is checked. Interesting to contemplate how they got there, but once you've got your pictures there's really no need to go back. Our group did organize a five person base pyramid while walking around Stonehenge and it was sight to see. I was the person in the back pushing people up to their respective spots and we almost finished it! We got to level four before the collapse occurred :)

6.) Salisbury. A super cute town in which we explored the market, and I ate my first Pasty. We also explored the Cathedral and saw one of the four remaining Magna Carta's. I bought a bottle of Mead (honey) Wine, which was drank in the middle ages by newly weds on their wedding nights until the moon went down; giving rise to the name "honeymoon." I loved the story so much I had to have a bottle..

5.) Saturday Night. We had a very fun night in the flat with a few people's friends in town; it felt good to go out in London again!

4.) A Sunday morning stroll. Andrea, Alex and I walked from Hyde Park Gate around Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square where there was a huge St. Patty's Day Celebration going on. There were thousands of people dressed in green and drinking Guinness while listening to the live Irish music.

3.) Brick lane. After Trafalgar we ventured down to Brick Lane Market, where I had some amazing Chinese food, and walked through my new favorite market. I will be going back as soon as possible.

2.) Really Old, like 45. Tonight we went to a play at the National Theater. It was okay, parts were funny and I guess interesting to consider, but it dealt with Alzheimer's, and since my grandpa passed away a few years back after fighting it, I had a hard time finding many parts laughable.

1.) One month. One month from today we have our farewell dinner. It's crazy how time flies and how quickly my time in London has flown. I am already sad thinking about leaving the program, but excited to have a wonderful summer in Madison and see friends and family!

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