Tuesday, April 20, 2010

no time to reflect

So my next post was going to be a reflection on my experience in London, how i've changed, blah, blah, blah. Instead it's going to entail me updating you on how much the Eyjafjallajökull volcano sucks. Not sucks, blows. Blows ash all over Europe to be exact. Right now I should be getting ready for finals, preparing for my mom and I's big adventure across Europe and instead i'm contemplating how i'm going to spend my last week in London alone. It's funny that the entire trip my mantra has been Que Sera Sera; it's like the world is testing how well i've come to accept 'whatever may be may be.' Throughout these past few days I've also discovered how different the US and UK really are in handling large matters such as this. The UK is slow. It took them 5 (FIVE) whole days before they even set up a meeting to discuss whether or not putting the flight ban on planes was the correct thing to do. The US does one thing well, and that is react to situations in a timely manner. Another difference that i've discovered is how much the US likes to spin their news. My mom is sitting in America thinking she's still going to make it over here in less than two days, while the news I'm hearing has me worried about whether or not i'll be able to get home next Thursday. Maybe that's the true optimism of the United States. And I don't think that's a bad thing, I think my mom is holding herself together better than I am because she still possesses hope. I know that whatever happens we'll get through this. Some dreams will be crushed, but new dreams surface; different memories will be made, and overall I will accept that volcanos blow up and ruin plans, but life goes on.

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