Tuesday, February 2, 2010


For some reason, while living in London, the girls I hang out with and I have decided that sweets are okay to eat every second of everyday. When we started out I believe this was because we were in the mindset of being on a vacation, and when on vacation of course you may eat whatever you'd like. Now that the vacation feeling has pasted, one might think that the desire to eat sweets would be gone as well. This is far from the case. In fact i'm eating right around a sleeve of cookies every two days. Bennett called me cookie monster yesterday, and although it made me feel huge, it is probably an accurate nickname. It's a very bad habit to be experiencing at this point in my life but I suppose we only live once, right?! But seriously, I am trying to stop, or at least cut back.

Besides eating cookies, I have been enjoying food far more than normal. I have not figured out what to attribute this to; because although it's not abnormal for me to crave food, I truly crave the food in my fridge every second of every day. I have a few theories, first, that the food just simply tastes better because using preservatives in food is unheard of here, second,that I'm using food to fill the voids of special people in my life, and third, I'm just walking way more than normal and it creates a deep sense of hunger. It's probably all of the above, but the point is, I'm going to Greece in a month and I have to wear a swim suit!!! THIS EATING MUST STOP!

But I am enjoying the food immensely, along with everything else this city offers (besides the weather). Andrea and I ventured to the Covent Garden antique market on Monday, which occurs every Monday afternoon. We didn't buy anything, but fell in love with the old antique ring boxes, and may go back for a piece of jewelry sometime in the future.

Last night I wrote my first paper of the semester. It was rough. Not only could I not motivate myself to sit down at my computer, when I finally did that, I could not for the life of me focus on what I was supposed to be writing. Let's hope the grading system is not based on making sense, just using pretty words :)

Anyways tonight we may try to go to a blues bar, or back to Notting Hill Arts Club, doesn't really matter I guess...we'll just go where ever the night takes us.

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