Friday, January 29, 2010

one bloody more!

My roommates and I recently made a pact to try and do something every night. We realized that we were sitting in the flat more than normal(for being abroad) and decided to fix the situation. Monday we saw another play, 39 steps, which I really enjoyed. Tuesday we went to dinner at the union pub for fish and chips. And Wednesday we went to the Notting Hill Arts Club; where we listened and grooved to two bands. The first one was decent, but the second band was amazing. I loved them. I don't get into music very often and I definitely don't go out and buy cds, but I wanted to go out and buy their cd during the concert. Their name is the HooDoo Scoundrels, but they were just signed in the US so they're going to drop the hoodoo part, and be "the Scoundrels." They're going to be in Chicago in two weeks so anyone who wants a reason to road trip there now has one :) Anyways the place was a very artsy fartsy place and Vivian commented, 'I feel like we're in an Urban Outfitters Magazine,' so true. But it was one of my favorite nights so far, I don't remember the last time I saw a band live besides the at the terrace and this was a very cool smaller venue. "One bloody more" refers to what everyone yelled instead of 'encore' at the end of their set. They then proceeded to play a song that the guitarist didn't even know until the singer told him the cords, and they rocked it.

To continue with my week of not sitting around we decided to finally go to a legit club last night. And club we did. We drank, a fair Madison amount before we left, and headed to The Zoo Bar. It's a pretty sweet place that has many rooms for drinking and dancing, and we enjoyed ourselves, probably too much, but these nights do happen.

It would have been an excellent night if I hadn't misplaced/lost my coat check number... stupid me. So without the number I couldn't get my coat until they closed at 3:30am, it was 1:30am, and we were not staying. So instead of thinking through the situation clearly, I decided i'd lost my coat and proceeded to have an emotional irrational break down while I was freezing without a coat at the bus stop. I have great friends though and they tried to comfort me while I tried to maintain control over my emotions. I failed, but we took a taxi home and was lucky enough to find Bennett online and via skype he was able to accomplish that task. I woke up this morning feeling quite silly but I called Zoo Bar and got my coat back this afternoon. Wasted tears, but I never would have believed that last night.

Today was the best part of the week though, because not only did I get my coat back(!) but I also got to go to the Tower of London. The crown jewels were the best part and it is almost unreal imagining them being used for centuries and worn by the royal family. The issue of the royal family is also so weird to me, I never realized how much of a role they play in the everyday workings of London life. I've always pictured the queen as head of state, but everything revolves around tradition and those traditions all stem from the royal family. It's crazy to me, I could go on about it for awhile but I won't bore you with my opinions on the matter.

Anyways, successful week! We also booked our flights for Spring break! We're going to Athens, Santorini, and Rome. I'm already so excited.

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