Friday, January 15, 2010

we had a green!

The title, "we had a green!" has really become the theme of trying to cross the street here in London. Let's just say it's the complete opposite of Madison; car don't stop if you walk in front of them. And since the cars are coming from the opposite way it's also easy to say that even while we're trying sooo hard not to get hit, we've all stepped in front of a taxi and almost been run over. Alyssa, Andrea, and I went on a wine run a few nights ago and while crossing the street, in a crosswalk, with a green walk sign, and we thought we were going to get run over by a bus! A doubledecker to be exact. Very scary :) Anyways, I will be very surprised if no one on the trip gets hit for real one of these days, I just hope it's not me!

Last night we went to a bar/club called Sketch. It was very modern and we went to the bathroom in an Egg. Like these huge white eggs that opened into a toilet. We probably won't go again, it was a little too expensive and trendy for us, but just seeing it was worth going once.

In terms of classes, we started them this week and I'm excited for all of them, two seem like they'll be a lot easier than the others. I'm playing with the idea of dropping one class because even though I could handle 5 classes, I'm studying abroad and want to be able to experience as much of London as possible and not be tied down by all the class work. We'll see what I decide, but for now I have 5 three hour classes a week. The three hour class times are going to be a little much, but probably better than power lectures twice a week.

I'm about to get ready for tea time. We're going to a historic hotel to have a true tea time experience. Lots of little sandwiches and cookies, i'm less excited about the tea, but I actually did buy tea and have had a few cups since I've been here, I'll probably always be a coffee girl though(thanks to jen and marissa).

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